The Problem with Paper

The Problem With Paper

The Problem With Paper

Look at your home or office. Are there more pieces of paper lying around than you would prefer? If we were keeping track, I would guess that more than 50% of readers would answer a resounding YES! Paper continues to be the #1 organizing challenge in most households. In spite of the attempts to go “paperless”, paper clutter continues to plague many people.

I have said this before and it bears mentioning again: It is not the paper that is the problem, it is what the paper represents – our hopes, dreams, fears, intentions, history. Don’t believe me? Pick up the piece of paper nearest you. What does the piece of paper really mean to you? Why is it important? Is it really?

Here is a perfect example.
Believe it or not magazines are paper too. We have made enough progress in our clutter-busting to tear out the articles from our magazines that are meaningful to us. Now what? They sit around until they are filed and if they get filed they are forgotten. A simple Google search will provide you with the same information as any reputable magazine will have an online version. Those papers aren’t necessary to your happiness, no matter how cute the fruit bouquet found in the article may be.

If you would like your papers to be more organized but don’t know where to start, you have come to the right place! Gather up one pile, preferable your most recent then look at each paper individually. Ask yourself these questions:
1. Does it require action?
2. Is it recent enough to be useful?
3. Is it difficult to obtain again?
4. Are there tax or legal implications?
5. What is the worst thing that could happen if it were gone?

Once you have eliminated what you can realistically live without, you can now better organize what remains.

I offer, through my website, a step-by-step method for managing your files that are necessary to keep. This workbook is completely free. Please visit my website at to sign up to get yours emailed directly to you.

Paper does not have to keep you bogged down. You are in control and we can help!

Have a Neat day!
Jennifer Snyder, CPO
Neat as a Pin Organizing Experts

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Back To School Organizing Basics

Neat as a Pin Back To School Organizing Basics

Neat as a Pin Back To School Organizing Basics

Back To School is big business. The United States Census Bureau reports that 77 million students will be going back to school this fall. Consequently, $7.4 billion is spent at family clothing stores during the month of August, second only to December in gross sales. The first day of school is a fashion show noting who has the best sneakers or the nicest backpack.

As parents, we give our children the physical tools for Back to School…binders, spirals, pencils, paper, tissue, etc but do we give them the tools of know how to organize all of the papers, dates, and data – all while amidst a social hurricane? Here are some ways to help your children be better prepared for school…

Homework Central
Quite possibly the most important thing you can provide your child is a suitable place to complete homework. It can be as elaborate or simple as suits your family yet it should have a desk, computer, chair, and flat surface on which to write. Establish the homework area before school starts and stock it with a toolbox containing necessary supplies.

Bedtimes and Scheduling
If your student(s) did not have summer assignments, they may need some help getting back into the swing of things. Start early and gradually make bedtime more appropriate and assign some reviewing type tasks to get their brains back in the swing.

Plan Before You Shop
Instead of running out to the store to buy ALL of the necessary supplies, buy only what they will need to get started: backpack, binder, paper, folder or two, and pens/pencils. Most teachers will give specific supplies on the first day and those can be purchased later. If you would prefer to plan ahead, buy only things you are certain they will need.

Same thing goes with school clothes. I wouldn’t break the bank in August buying a winter coat and cords when it is 90 degrees until October. Start with shorts and shirts and gradually add more throughout the year. This will also help your student(s) have nice clothes toward the end of the school year too.

Have students try on clothes from last year. If they still fit – great! Teach him or her to pair older items with newer ones for a fresh look.

Implement a Family Calendar
Create a family calendar, somewhere near Homework Central is ideal. Assign a color to each student in the home and have them write assignments and practices on the calendar. This is great for mom if they need reminding to complete a long-term project. Encouraging the student(s) to write their own assignments is teaching them a valuable lesson!

Morning Central
Just as you now have a Homework Central, it is also very important to have Morning Central…the place where everything needed for the following day is staged and ready to go. Before going to bed, make sure everything is ready for morning in a location near the exit to be used by the family. This could be a coat rack, pegs in the wall, or buckets lined up on the floor. Make sure clothes are picked out and lunches packed the night before. This teaches your student(s) the importance of planning ahead.

Color Code Classes
By having your student color-code classes (favorite color for favorite subject, etc) it helps them keep everything together. When they can see at a glance what class it is for, the time spent searching will be greatly reduced.

If your student(s) struggle with folders, consider clear plastic document pockets. Visual learners need to see their items to associate the contents…which might explain why all of the papers end up crammed in the bottom of the backpack.

These are some ideas to hopefully help you get a handle on Back to School. Feel free to modify them to fit your family.

Have a Neat day!

Jennifer Snyder, CPO
Neat as a Pin Organizing Experts
Facebook: Neat as a Pin Organizing Experts
Twitter: NeatasaPin

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Organizing For College


Dorm Room Looks Cute…Now What?

You have been looking forward to this day for twelve long years and here you are…at college! Classes will start soon and in addition to feeding yourself and doing our laundry, you have to manage to keep up with college classes. The biggest obstacle for most college freshmen is time management. Without Mom and school officials to keep you in line, you are left to your devices in the midst of the most freedom you have ever had!

Here are some ways to start smart at school:

1. Start with a bound calendar. A bound calendar will not get lost and you can see exactly what is in store for each day. Be sure to schedule yourself some study time every day…and stick to it! A bound calendar is preferable to a phone or iPad calendar because if you lose your device, you still know what to do when.
2. Color-code each class then purchase pens (ultra fine point Sharpies are ideal), folders, spirals, and any other items in those colors. It may be helpful to utilize plastic file pockets to hold papers that are not currently relevant yet will be needed again before finals.
3. Create a folder on your laptop for “School” then a sub-folder for each class along with one for administrative and financial documents related to your enrollment and one for each extra-curricular activity. Only classes need to be color-coded though.
4. Mirror your electronic folders in your email Inbox.
5. Make sure you have a place to study, complete with a way to file important information.
6. Calculate how long it takes to get from point A to point B, this could be from dorm to first class then next class, etc. If you have a moderate amount of time between any two classes, plan to go to the library rather than the local trendy coffee shop.
7. Divide your living space into zones. Sleeping, studying, chilling, personal care, and otherwise being productive should have their own designated areas, even in a tiny dorm room.

If you take care of your business first then it will be easier to play when the work is done.

Congratulations on your new phase of life and like all things, it is only as good as you make it.

Have a Neat day!

Jennifer Snyder
Neat as a Pin Organizing Experts
Facebook: Neat as a Pin Organizing Experts
Twitter: Neatasapin